1.   And the same thing is true for the spatial task.

2.   As I mentioned before, you see deficits for verbal material after left removals, for spatial tasks after right removals.

3.   Boys who were exposed to female hormones are worse at spatial tasks.

4.   Girls who were exposed to male hormones in the womb are better at spatial tasks.

5.   The view that women are on average better on language tasks and men on spatial tasks continues to receive serious attention.

6.   Each partner was then tested with a verbal task and a spatial task for partners A and B respectively.

7.   She states that early maturers have better verbal aptitude than spatial ability, whereas later maturers perform better on spatial tasks than verbal ones.

8.   The neocerebellums of autistic children -- who are antisocial and poor at language, but good at spatial tasks -- are tiny compared to normal and Williams children.

a. + task >>共 890
difficult 8.42%
daunting 6.34%
easy 6.14%
simple 2.53%
first 2.47%
main 2.40%
impossible 2.14%
tough 2.08%
formidable 1.56%
specific 1.33%
spatial 0.12%
spatial + n. >>共 124
relationship 6.67%
ability 4.00%
mobility 3.67%
datum 3.33%
skill 3.33%
dimension 3.00%
organization 3.00%
task 2.67%
entity 2.67%
memory 2.33%
每页显示:    共 8