1.   Such measurements distinguish temporal events from spatial structure, but suffer from lower resolution.

2.   The permanent spatial structure is not present at the highest Rayleigh numbers at which observations have been made.

3.   The appearance of this pattern in some places and not in others presumably relates to the detailed spatial structure in two dimensions.

4.   The secondary eyes, which cannot discern spatial structures, have puzzled spider experts for decades.

a. + structure >>共 1439
new 5.87%
social 2.31%
corporate 1.69%
family 1.64%
political 1.46%
existing 1.38%
organizational 1.25%
complex 1.20%
basic 1.20%
financial 1.15%
spatial 0.08%
spatial + n. >>共 124
relationship 6.67%
ability 4.00%
mobility 3.67%
datum 3.33%
skill 3.33%
dimension 3.00%
organization 3.00%
task 2.67%
entity 2.67%
memory 2.33%
structure 1.67%
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