1.   Entrances and exits, with lifts and arabesques and fast turns, make for a changing spatial composition.

2.   In the third, the ensemble is more expansive, placed in ever-changing spatial compositions until its ritualistic play with the cables onstage prepares the final explosion.

3.   It is both formal, especially in a sharply expressive use of spatial composition, and colloquial.

4.   Nothing specific occurs onstage but the strange beauty of the piece lies in its constantly changing spatial composition.

5.   Yet Taylor has always argued that gesture and spatial composition are never devoid of dramatic meaning, and here he operates on several levels.

a. + composition >>共 306
chemical 10.24%
ethnic 4.99%
musical 3.54%
original 3.28%
new 2.62%
racial 2.36%
different 2.36%
exact 2.23%
classical 2.10%
same 1.84%
spatial 0.66%
spatial + n. >>共 124
relationship 6.67%
ability 4.00%
mobility 3.67%
datum 3.33%
skill 3.33%
dimension 3.00%
organization 3.00%
task 2.67%
entity 2.67%
memory 2.33%
composition 1.67%
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