1.   Spanish officials in Brussels insist that Spain has a right to increase emissions because its current rate is lower than most EC countries.

2.   But some Spanish officials are not amused.

3.   French police arrested the chief of weapons and logistics of the Basque separatist group ETA on Tuesday at a farmhouse in southwest France, Spanish officials said.

4.   In private, however, Spanish officials have said the criminal proceedings against senior military officers in both Argentina and Chile have complicated relations with the two countries.

5.   No one should be surprised, Aleman said, if the face of the Spanish official ends up resembling Lacayo.

6.   Spanish officials are reportedly reviewing the case now.

7.   Spanish officials dismiss this argument.

8.   Spanish officials said they were encouraged by the swift Swiss response.

9.   Spanish officials said that trawlers would continue to harvest turbot from the disputed zone.

10.   Spanish officials have referred to such an alliance, too.

a. + official >>共 393
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local 3.86%
israeli 3.77%
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spanish + n. >>共 1358
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