1.   Some space launches will be commercialized in order to help pay for more space research.

2.   Some space launches will be commercialized to help pay for more space research.

3.   The institute is a world leader in space research.

4.   In advanced technology, mathematicians play an essential part in the design of aircraft, power plant, transport and telecommunication systems and in space research.

5.   After investing heavily in an effort to make the school a leader in space research, Arizona State University was rewarded Tuesday.

6.   But MirCorp officials stressed they will aim for a much wider business base, including commercial space research, Earth observation and possibly the entertainment industry and news media.

7.   Filled with crews of international astronauts, it is expected to be a center of space research for at least a decade.

8.   Hill says universities might buy the kit to run zero-gravity experiments or other space research.

9.   Maj. Gen. Richard Paul, commander of the Air Force Research Laboratory, has said the lab will support the vision by shifting resources from aviation to space research.

10.   Masers can also amplify weak microwave signals and have been used in space research to pick up transmissions from satellites and measure the temperature of Venus.

n. + research >>共 635
cancer 10.54%
stem-cell 3.67%
breast 2.76%
embryo 2.46%
equity 2.03%
space 1.73%
weapon 1.60%
health 1.47%
drug 1.43%
consumer 1.34%
space + n. >>共 649
agency 11.72%
official 10.77%
program 10.67%
exploration 3.69%
travel 3.36%
mission 2.65%
center 2.34%
alien 1.81%
technology 1.37%
telescope 1.30%
research 0.93%
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