1.   Their purpose was to affirm Soviet propaganda about the evils of capitalism.

2.   The Soviet Union and Germany signed a nonaggression pact and Soviet propaganda against Fascism completely ceased.

3.   He finally sold it to the State Department, which was looking for a vehicle to offset negative Soviet propaganda about blacks in the armed forces.

4.   Last winter the Jordans rented a dacha outside Moscow that had been owned by a Soviet propaganda minister.

5.   Officials in the West believed they had to counter Soviet propaganda and undermine the wide sympathy for Communism in France and Italy.

6.   So while she was being vilified worldwide by Soviet propaganda, she was also being denigrated at home by some feminists.

7.   Soviet official propaganda had always treated political dissidents as minor figures who were victims of foreign ideological services.

8.   The first was both a real person and a figure of Soviet propaganda, a Russian partisan tortured to death by the Nazis.

9.   There were those in the West who saw the Moiseyev and Virsky troupes as instruments of Soviet propaganda because they always showed smiling peasants.

10.   What is all the more astonishing is that this Soviet propaganda film actually plays down the more sensational aspects of the affair.

a. + propaganda >>共 393
nazi 5.46%
separatist 4.91%
spreading 3.64%
communist 3.09%
kurdish 2.73%
political 2.55%
anti-american 2.27%
official 2.09%
soviet 2.00%
hostile 1.64%
soviet + n. >>共 470
republic 25.41%
bloc 6.14%
era 3.95%
time 3.86%
leader 2.93%
collapse 2.89%
troop 2.34%
state 2.17%
system 1.51%
empire 1.28%
propaganda 0.22%
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