1.   Rifkind also forecast an eventual agreement on use of an airport built on land between Gibraltar and Spain which has not operated because of the Gibraltarians entangled sovereignty battle.

2.   Rifkind also forecast an eventual agreement on use of an airport built on land between Gibraltar and Spain which has not operated because of the entangled sovereignty battle.

3.   China has criticised the US naval build-up and repeatedly warned Washington to stay out of its sovereignty battle with Taiwan.

4.   China has criticized the US naval build-up and repeatedly warned Washington to stay out of its sovereignty battle with Taiwan.

5.   The approaching force has already been criticised by China which has repeatedly warned the United States to stay out of its sovereignty battle with Taiwan.

n. + battle >>共 702
gun 24.60%
court 10.99%
budget 5.27%
custody 4.37%
turf 3.02%
election 1.18%
artillery 1.09%
proxy 1.00%
trade 1.00%
courtroom 0.86%
sovereignty 0.12%
sovereignty + n. >>共 54
dispute 23.98%
issue 19.00%
claim 9.50%
movement 4.98%
question 4.52%
concern 3.17%
referendum 3.17%
battle 2.26%
debate 1.81%
slogan 1.81%
每页显示:    共 5