1.   An Australian cabinet minister spoke out in favor of closer trade ties with Taiwan on Thursday, and dismissed concerns his visit would sour ties with China.

2.   It has generally close ties with Yemen, a neighbor on the southwest corner of the peninsula, despite a long-running border dispute which intermittently sours ties.

3.   More recently arguments over Taiwan and a collision in April between a U.S. spy plane and a Chinese fighter jet soured ties.

4.   Relations between Malaysia and Singapore are generally harmonious, though critical remarks by Singapore Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew temporarily soured ties.

5.   The aim is to sever the link between subsidies and output that long saddled the EU with food surpluses and soured trade ties with Washington.

6.   The Cyprus dispute has soured ties between NATO allies Greece and Turkey for decades.

7.   Beijing has become increasingly fractious over Taiwan since Lee paid an ostensibly private visit to the United States in June, thereby souring diplomatic ties with Washington.

8.   Erbakan was also swift to raise the issue of the Kurds which has long soured ties between the two neighbours.

9.   The resulting uproar soured bilateral ties.

10.   The row over the decrees has also soured ties between Prague and its neighbours.

v. + tie >>共 591
have 21.09%
improve 5.92%
strengthen 5.67%
sever 5.13%
maintain 4.42%
break 3.74%
establish 3.40%
cut 3.37%
forge 2.45%
boost 1.75%
sour 0.25%
sour + n. >>共 90
relation 42.42%
investor 7.71%
tie 5.91%
atmosphere 4.63%
relationship 4.11%
mood 3.86%
sentiment 1.54%
talk 1.03%
feeling 0.77%
consumer 0.77%
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