1.   Clippers coach Chris Ford thought this explanation would sound good in stereo.

2.   Florida might sound good in theory.

3.   I bet that one sounded pretty good in the story conferences, too.

4.   It sounds good in theory.

5.   It was very effectively, not to say garishly, orchestrated, so any ensemble would sound good in it.

6.   Sounds good in theory.

7.   Sounds good in theory, but how would it play out in real life?

8.   That notion sounds good in principle.

9.   The latest plan for pro football in Los Angeles sounds good in theory.

10.   The NATO plan sounds good in theory.

v. + good + in >>共 16
be 49.26%
look 34.90%
feel 5.69%
sound 2.97%
find 1.49%
make 1.24%
have 0.99%
consider 0.74%
taste 0.74%
become 0.50%
sound + good + p. >>共 9
to 60.00%
in 11.43%
on 10.48%
at 8.57%
for 5.71%
as 0.95%
before 0.95%
during 0.95%
with 0.95%
每页显示:    共 12