1.   One must find a way of ruling out the runaway solutions by choosing the initial accelerations in just the right way.

2.   Each aliquot was made up into a stock solution by dissolving in sterile water.

3.   A USC trainer provided a solution by giving Orgeron a towel which he wore around his waist during the game.

4.   All in all, it was seen as a less-than-ideal solution by many analysts.

5.   But shrinking transistors is not a solution by itself, said Dr. R. Stanley Williams, director of quantum science at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories in Palo Alto, Calif.

6.   But that proposal was in turn attacked as a big government solution by a smaller faction of congressional Republicans, led by Rep. James M. Talent of Missouri.

7.   But Woodruff-Long found one solution by turning to the burgeoning field of digital video.

8.   California has recently appointed a task force to propose a solution by the end of the year.

9.   Clinton did rule out one controversial solution by saying he did not foresee raising payroll taxes as a viable option to fixing the system.

10.   Coach Thomas Rongen hopes to have a solution by the time the Revolution visit the MetroStars Tuesday.

n. + by >>共 1516
effort 1.42%
attack 1.37%
attempt 1.07%
decision 1.01%
visit 0.94%
report 0.85%
year 0.79%
move 0.69%
investigation 0.63%
action 0.59%
solution 0.02%
solution + p. >>共 61
to 64.71%
for 11.49%
of 6.32%
in 5.05%
on 1.92%
with 1.41%
by 0.85%
from 0.83%
through 0.69%
as 0.55%
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