1.   It has been suggsted that only soluble calcium ions precipitate fatty acids and bile acids, thus reducing their lytic activity.

2.   Supplemental dietary calcium did not increase the concentrations of soluble calcium, notwithstanding the large increase in total faecal calcium.

3.   Only on the low calcium diet was soluble calcium significantly decreased, as soluble phosphate was increased by phosphate supplementation of this diet.

4.   The net result of these antagonistic effects was that no significant change in soluble calcium was observed.

5.   On the low phosphate diets this inhibition is probably caused by precipitation of fatty acids by high concentrations of soluble calcium in the proximal small intestine.

6.   The patent is for soluble calcium and phosphate that changes from a solid to liquid form in the mouth.

a. + calcium >>共 71
dietary 20.34%
high 5.08%
extra 4.52%
increased 3.39%
low 3.39%
soluble 3.39%
increasing 2.82%
daily 2.82%
adequate 2.26%
short-acting 2.26%
soluble + n. >>共 39
fiber 22.94%
water 11.93%
fertilizer 8.26%
fibre 7.34%
form 6.42%
calcium 5.50%
concentration 3.67%
coffee 1.83%
phosphate 1.83%
product 1.83%
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