1.   Soldiers dispersed the peasants with rifle butts, and by nightfall, violence was sweeping through the province.

2.   They were dispersed by soldiers but reassembled to attack another workhouse at Bulcamp.

3.   In the working class neighborhood of Matete, soldiers dispersed a crowd that were burning tires.

4.   The report says that Hutu soldiers dispersed into countries around the region, but have been returning in ever-increasing numbers to fight in eastern Congo.

5.   Dozens gathered at the site at a main entrance to Hebron and stoned Arab shops and cars until they were dispersed by soldiers.

6.   In Lhokseumawe, soldiers dispersed pro-independence students who solicited money and collected testimony about the village shooting from witnesses.

7.   Israeli soldiers dispersed the settlers and protesters and declared the area a closed military zone.

8.   Israeli soldiers dispersed the protesters.

9.   Later, the AAP said, soldiers dispersed the militiamen.

10.   Mobs burned tires while baton-wielding soldiers dispersed the crowd.

n. + disperse >>共 165
police 28.57%
crowd 12.72%
protester 8.55%
demonstrator 5.53%
soldier 2.82%
group 2.50%
student 2.40%
troop 1.88%
rally 1.56%
cloud 1.46%
soldier + v. >>共 818
be 10.12%
fire 4.07%
die 2.97%
shoot 2.77%
say 2.50%
kill 2.43%
open 2.14%
take 2.09%
return 1.40%
have 1.32%
disperse 0.16%
每页显示:    共 27