1.   An infomercial for a car-cleaning product features ersatz interviewers tossing softball questions at professional spinmeisters who are paid shills for the product.

2.   And at such times Cannes becomes the home of the softball question.

3.   After greeting starstruck reporters individually, the couple moved around the room, answering softball questions lobbed their way.

4.   But he came along just as the press was growing more adventurous and seeking something more than pat answers to softball questions.

5.   Flutie, a skilled basketball player, took the softball question and sank the easy layup.

6.   He has heard the stuff about softball questions before.

7.   He says his confidence is often misconstrued by reporters, who fire softball questions his way and get heaters thrown back at them.

8.   I threw him a softball question, hoping to extract a few words of praise for Cazzie Russell and the boys.

9.   Laying aside their softball questions, reporters asked Amelio whether he had really done such a good job at National Semiconductor.

10.   Levenson said the judge appeared to be throwing softball questions to the defense indicating he might rule in its favor but needed certain questions answered.

n. + question >>共 832
ballot 2.96%
trivium 2.96%
referendum 2.07%
answer 2.07%
policy 1.95%
safety 1.91%
tax 1.58%
security 1.42%
health 1.26%
field 1.22%
softball 0.73%
softball + n. >>共 95
team 19.20%
game 16.07%
player 9.60%
field 6.70%
coach 5.36%
league 4.69%
question 4.02%
tournament 2.46%
diamond 2.23%
pitcher 2.01%
每页显示:    共 18