1.   Mix in the buttermilk to make a firm but soft dough, kneading lightly until smooth.

2.   Stir in enough additional flour to make soft dough.

3.   Stir in the suet, herbs and enough cold water to make a soft dough.

4.   Add enough milk to form a soft dough.

5.   Alternately beat in milk and enough flour to make a soft dough, then stir in raisins.

6.   Beat in additional flour until soft dough is formed.

7.   Add just enough flour to make a soft dough firm enough to pat out with your hands.

8.   Add just enough flour to make a soft dough.

9.   Add milk and stir just until mixture forms a soft dough that pulls away from side of bowl.

10.   Add milk, stirring until soft dough forms.

a. + dough >>共 141
soft 13.17%
remaining 9.41%
smooth 4.57%
excess 4.03%
stiff 4.03%
extra 2.96%
biscuit 2.69%
big 2.42%
fried 2.15%
frozen 1.61%
soft + n. >>共 1099
money 22.78%
tissue 2.10%
peak 2.08%
voice 1.89%
loan 1.39%
liner 1.13%
music 1.10%
cast 1.04%
light 0.98%
cheese 0.91%
dough 0.91%
每页显示:    共 49