1.   Cholera toxin is the enterotoxin of Vibrio cholerae and while causing secretion does not impair glucose dependent sodium absorption in the intestine and does not alter mucosal histology.

2.   Sodium absorption from the rice-based solutions was similar but significantly less than sodium absorption from HYPO-ORS and WHO-ORS.

3.   In normal intestine the pattern of sodium absorption paralleled that for water absorption emphasising the importance of passive sodium absorption and solvent drag.

4.   Aminoacid stimulated sodium absorption occurs independently of hexose stimulated sodium absorption via a separate nutrient-sodium cotransporter.

5.   With solution II, however, the absorptionof water improved and sodium absorption returned to values seen in control subjects.

n. + absorption >>共 38
water 16.35%
calcium 15.38%
glucose 7.69%
shock 5.77%
sodium 4.81%
iron 2.88%
carnitine 2.88%
chloride 2.88%
drug 2.88%
lycopene 2.88%
sodium + n. >>共 90
ion 10.13%
azide 6.33%
concentration 5.06%
content 4.64%
level 4.22%
coolant 3.80%
atom 3.38%
absorption 2.11%
gluconate 2.11%
channel 2.11%
每页显示:    共 5