1.   Stephen shifts his gaze from the poster of a soaring eagle, locks on another spot.

2.   Sure, they might have stopped to admire a soaring eagle.

3.   The reverse side depicts a soaring eagle.

4.   It might be a soaring eagle.

5.   The medals are about three inches across and feature a soaring eagle on one side.

a. + eagle >>共 138
imperial 5.61%
double 4.91%
double-headed 4.21%
two-headed 3.16%
black 3.16%
first 3.16%
legal 3.16%
female 2.46%
second 2.11%
soaring 1.75%
soaring + n. >>共 370
price 14.78%
cost 5.34%
inflation 5.27%
demand 4.04%
unemployment 3.90%
crime 3.63%
rate 1.92%
yen 1.64%
temperature 1.44%
stock 1.37%
eagle 0.34%
每页显示:    共 5