1.   Congress seems unable or unwilling to control soaring medical costs.

2.   Managed care was born of the need to contain soaring medical costs.

3.   Soaring medical costs keep kiting up insurance premiums.

4.   There would thus have to be drastic cuts in public expenditure, particularly in the soaring cost of unemployment benefits.

5.   Already, politicians have sounded the alarm about soaring heating costs.

6.   Also ominous is the specter of soaring insurance costs.

7.   And apparently, judging from the soaring cost of Wine Country real estate and influx of dot-com royalty, plenty of people do.

8.   At the same time, soaring Medicaid costs are straining state budgets and adding to pressure for tax increases, a further concern for employers.

9.   Between soaring electric costs from energy deregulation and record-high gasoline prices, Schaeffer said more people are starting to think seriously about renewable energy products.

a. + cost >>共 604
borrowing 9.97%
high 7.43%
higher 6.19%
lower 5.73%
rising 3.26%
operating 3.21%
medical 2.25%
cutting 1.96%
health_care 1.84%
extra 1.84%
soaring 0.41%
soaring + n. >>共 370
price 14.78%
cost 5.34%
inflation 5.27%
demand 4.04%
unemployment 3.90%
crime 3.63%
rate 1.92%
yen 1.64%
temperature 1.44%
stock 1.37%
每页显示:    共 77