1.   That snow piled up outside windows in Washington and elsewhere in the Northeast May slow business even more.

2.   Winter snow piles on ice that covers streets and sidewalks.

3.   With all that snow piling up outside it seemed like the only thing to do.

4.   As the snow piles up on the streets of Toronto, billboards that show off the beaches and sun-swept plazas of Cuba suddenly seem to be everywhere.

5.   Davies, like a snowplow driver who keeps plowing even though snow is piling up behind her and ahead of her at a foot an hour, keeps pressing.

6.   If you wait until the snow is piling up on the ground, de-icing salt, shovels and snowblowers might be hard to find.

7.   The day dragged on, becoming colder and colder, and the wind blew, and the snow piled up in drifts.

8.   The snow was piling up on sidewalks and draping trees.

n. + pile >>共 406
body 3.51%
investor 2.61%
bill 2.38%
garbage 2.27%
inventory 2.04%
snow 1.93%
loss 1.81%
soldier 1.59%
people 1.47%
debt 1.36%
snow + v. >>共 300
fall 19.61%
be 18.30%
melt 4.75%
occur 2.92%
begin 2.70%
cover 2.44%
blanket 2.00%
continue 1.87%
develop 1.79%
come 1.74%
pile 0.74%
每页显示:    共 17