1.   The suppressed sound of the gunfire was still in his ears, and the sweet cordite smell hung at his nostrils.

2.   A salt spray smell hung in the air.

3.   Reports from the scene indicated that flames and smoke filled the horizon and the smell of sulfur hung heavily in the air.

4.   The site was still smoldering, and an acrid smell hung in the air.

5.   The smell of creosote hangs heavily.

6.   The smell of pot hangs thick with pollen in the air.

7.   A heavy smell of gas hung over the neighborhood.

8.   A smell of smoke hung over a small foyer where NATO has set up a desk.

9.   Even though the cows moved out long ago, the smell of manure hangs thickly in the seven cow barns.

10.   The building was evacuated and an acrid smell hung in the air, she said.

n. + hang >>共 989
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smell + v. >>共 119
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fill 5.74%
waft 4.35%
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