1.   The food smelled good to her, reflecting the festive holiday preparation.

2.   The food smelt good to her.

3.   Parents, however, were afraid that if the crayons smelled good to their kids, they might eat them.

4.   Shellfish never smelled so good to the gumshoes at Parker Center.

v. + good + to >>共 9
be 65.92%
look 14.25%
sound 14.03%
feel 2.00%
taste 1.78%
smell 0.89%
seem 0.67%
have 0.22%
take 0.22%
smell + good + p. >>共 6
to 44.44%
after 11.11%
as 11.11%
by 11.11%
in 11.11%
on 11.11%
每页显示:    共 4