1.   And that creates an opportunity for smart shoppers.

2.   Be a smart shopper and go for solid kitchenware that will endure.

3.   But some companies may raise prices much more while others hold the line, again creating opportunities for smart shoppers.

4.   But smart shoppers can do even better.

5.   For the most part, they became the coupon-clipping smart shoppers who paid off their mortgages.

6.   For more minor needs, smart shoppers also know that many Chinatown merchants carry British delicacies like chewy Fruit Pastilles candies and Marmite spread.

7.   It also gives carriers a strong incentive to compete on price, since PhoneMiser is a smart shopper that ignores marketing blather and brand names.

8.   Mature travelers should try to be flexible in their travel plans, be very smart shoppers and read between the lines of offerings.

9.   Smart shoppers can get always-stylish fashions for a fraction of the cost.

10.   So, like any smart shopper, Laura uses good old Yankee thrift and ingenuity to keep within the confines of a budget.

a. + shopper >>共 390
online 8.98%
personal 5.68%
american 2.99%
mexican 2.37%
home 1.44%
young 1.34%
british 1.34%
early 1.24%
smart 1.24%
local 1.14%
smart + n. >>共 682
move 5.23%
people 4.67%
school 2.87%
guy 2.53%
thing 2.49%
partnership 2.40%
one 2.27%
man 1.93%
kid 1.50%
phone 1.41%
shopper 0.51%
每页显示:    共 12