1.   A handful of smaller companies are making Mac clones for high-end graphics applications and other niche Markets.

2.   A valuation of a smaller company must take account of its potential as a takeover target.

3.   Analysts and dealers attributed the gains in smaller companies to speculation about mergers and acquisitions, that are unlikely to happen.

4.   For smaller companies, where financial controls are not highly developed, factoring May prove the answer.

5.   Larger companies in the industry acquired smaller companies, while the overall Market demand for propane remained relatively stable.

6.   Many smaller companies simply can not afford to buy health insurance for employees and remain in business.

7.   Most worrying are smaller companies which borrowed heavily but do not have big banks behind them.

8.   Myriad smaller companies also track and evaluate Web sites.

9.   National groups could only find outlets for their own beer by acquiring smaller companies and shutting down their brewing plant.

a. + company >>共 660
insurance 5.96%
the 4.70%
new 3.88%
foreign 3.26%
private 3.26%
japanese 2.69%
american 2.14%
small 1.80%
big 1.78%
pharmaceutical 1.69%
smaller 1.36%
smaller + n. >>共 1069
company 6.66%
party 3.04%
one 2.73%
group 2.67%
number 1.57%
scale 1.41%
amount 1.35%
city 1.32%
bank 1.21%
market 1.18%
每页显示:    共 959