1.   Next he tossed a small coin on to the coffin.

2.   Once you have established where the cannon ball hits place a small coin or other Marker directly over the spot.

3.   While we were having breakfast, our little boy, Tommy, found two small coins on the floor.

4.   They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless.

5.   The word was passed around, rapidly, almost secretly, like a small valuable coin.

6.   All he had done, he said, was buy a small gold coin for his girlfriend.

7.   Leave behind a few small coins in an Amsterdam sandwich shop, and the waitress smiles and offers thanks.

8.   As they were introduced, the wrestlers shook hands, with the Americans handing the Iranians small coins.

9.   Similar rumblings have been heard in the Netherlands, and Italy has a growing grass-roots movement for the elimination of the small coins.

10.   They also found some packaging for antique coins, complete with auction slips, and two small coins.

a. + coin >>共 262
gold 11.83%
new 8.14%
same 5.47%
silver 4.20%
ancient 3.44%
commemorative 3.31%
rare 2.93%
old 2.54%
foreign 1.53%
small 1.53%
small + n. >>共 1140
business 4.25%
group 4.22%
town 3.18%
amount 2.42%
number 2.42%
company 1.95%
child 1.74%
bowl 1.43%
craft 1.15%
part 1.00%
coin 0.02%
每页显示:    共 12