1.   A range of very attractive effects can be achieved using slip stitch and changing colour less frequently.

2.   Even the simpler types, such as circular, or tubular, knitting is again a slip stitch.

3.   Remember what a slip stitch is, it is where the patterning needle does not knit.

4.   Slip stitch is also a textured stitch where the purl side is the right side.

5.   The basic outline of the beaded sample was worked with a plain crochet chain sewn with slip stitch to the knitting.

n. + stitch >>共 30
slip 11.90%
need 7.14%
tuck 7.14%
embroidery 4.76%
horse 4.76%
side 4.76%
woman 4.76%
baseball 2.38%
basket-weave 2.38%
body 2.38%
slip + n. >>共 56
dress 41.84%
catch 7.65%
fielder 4.59%
cordon 4.59%
nut 4.59%
knot 2.55%
stitch 2.55%
position 2.04%
gown 1.53%
control 1.53%
每页显示:    共 5