1.   It attributed the slight improvement in load factor to recent schedule changes and fare sales.

2.   Once again sales have moved well and terminations actually showing a slight improvement over last year!

3.   The doctor says there has been a slight improvement in her condition.

4.   The record does, however, show a slight improvement over its predecessor.

5.   The slight improvements in the eighteenth century are important because they Mark the beginning of the downward trend.

6.   Doctors say he has made a slight improvement.

7.   Two other patients reported a slight improvement, and one reported no improvement at all.

8.   Analysts had been looking for a slight improvement.

9.   And, as UPN sitcoms go, this one is a slight improvement over its many embarrassing predecessors.

a. + improvement >>共 521
home 7.66%
significant 5.69%
dramatic 3.31%
marked 3.09%
recent 2.87%
slight 2.76%
major 2.76%
further 2.71%
big 2.71%
economic 2.22%
slight + n. >>共 879
chance 9.00%
injury 4.74%
increase 4.28%
edge 3.91%
lead 2.50%
rise 2.06%
improvement 1.95%
gain 1.93%
decline 1.91%
damage 1.87%
每页显示:    共 100