1.   He held the sleeping baby and was alternately happy and tortured with fear that something might happen to her.

2.   As we looked for fish, I found myself holding my breath like a tired parent fearful of waking a sleeping baby.

3.   A cemetery is not a place where you expect to wave to friends or hear music or see joggers and sleeping babies.

4.   I backed away from the stream, slowly and with a light tread, like someone easing out of a room so as not to wake a sleeping baby.

5.   It designed the infrared feature to capture such innocent moments as sleeping babies or nocturnal animals.

6.   One, called the otoacoustic emission test, or OAE, is given to sleeping babies as young as four hours old.

7.   One relative cradled a sleeping baby in her arms.

8.   Parents can keep tabs on the sleeping baby in the nursery by using their TV.

9.   The plane has four bassinets that can be moved around to accommodate sleeping babies.

10.   The sleeping baby was knocked out of his bassinet and onto the floor, then kicked and punched, police say.

a. + baby >>共 724
new 7.83%
newborn 5.60%
premature 4.41%
born 4.02%
healthy 3.24%
first 3.21%
unborn 2.19%
little 1.90%
dead 1.69%
tiny 1.34%
sleeping 0.67%
sleeping + n. >>共 222
quarter 7.25%
giant 6.72%
child 5.01%
area 3.56%
arrangement 3.43%
mat 3.16%
tablet 2.77%
baby 2.50%
porch 1.98%
dog 1.71%
每页显示:    共 19