1.   It was, perhaps, his dysfunctional sleep pattern that caused such an odd storm of feeling.

2.   Even better, stay on a regular sleep pattern well ahead of the trip.

3.   If you have persistent symptoms of sadness, fatigue, disinterest or changes in eating or sleeping patterns, see a mental health professional.

4.   It also wants to take into account special circumstances, like the predictable disruptions to sleep patterns that come from flying across six time zones or more.

5.   Issues such as diet, exercise, sleeping patterns, stress, illness and even job dissatisfaction can be playing a role here.

6.   The equipment records sleep patterns that are later analyzed by computers, looking for central and obstructive apnea.

v. + pattern >>共 471
follow 7.98%
change 4.28%
see 4.12%
fit 3.28%
repeat 3.12%
set 3.08%
show 2.87%
find 2.66%
continue 2.08%
break 2.08%
sleep 0.25%
sleep + n. >>共 117
night 10.10%
deprivation 4.33%
hour 2.88%
pattern 2.88%
wink 1.92%
disturbance 1.92%
disorder 1.92%
six 1.92%
people 1.92%
sleep 1.44%
每页显示:    共 6