1.   Audiences today can relate to sleep deprivation, to the blur of movement that defines the busy lives we all need.

2.   Sleep deprivation.

3.   Sleep deprivation either.

4.   The first is that violent shaking, sleep deprivation, and the other techniques are not torture.

5.   These include violent shaking, shackling to a low and tilted stool, covering the heads of detainees with urine-drenched hoods and sleep deprivation.

6.   Former prisoners and international human rights groups say various methods of torture, such as beatings and sleep deprivation, are common in Burmese prisons.

7.   Ministry of Interior officials are responsible for most incidents of abuse, including beatings and sleep deprivation.

8.   Shrikat repeated charges made by other lawyers, that Barghouti is subjected to sleep deprivation and is tied to a chair in a painful position for long hours.

9.   Some prisoners reported undergoing shock torture and sleep deprivation.

v. + deprivation >>共 37
sleep 13.24%
include 10.29%
suffer 10.29%
overcome 5.88%
cause 4.41%
experience 4.41%
use 2.94%
endure 2.94%
induce 2.94%
mean 2.94%
sleep + n. >>共 117
night 10.10%
deprivation 4.33%
hour 2.88%
pattern 2.88%
wink 1.92%
disturbance 1.92%
disorder 1.92%
six 1.92%
people 1.92%
sleep 1.44%
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