1.   An open skies pact would force Japanese carriers to compete directly with more cost-efficient U.S. carriers.

2.   German Transportation Minister Matthias Wissmann said the immunity frees the way for the U.S.-German open skies pact to take effect.

3.   KLM bought into Northwest six years ago, when a so-called open skies pact between the U.S. and the Netherlands was signed.

4.   The U.S. has initialed identical agreements with Taiwan and Brunei and is on the verge of initialing an open skies pact with Malaysia.

5.   True, the U.S. recently arranged open skies pacts with Canada and nine European nations.

6.   Singapore signed its first open skies pact with the United States in April, followed by a similar arrangement with Brunei in May.

7.   It is steadfastly opposed to an open skies pact with Washington unless it means equal opportunity for Japanese carriers.

8.   But he would not comment on reports from Tokyo that the United States, in deference to Japanese opposition, would not press specifically for an open skies pact.

9.   Washington is currently pressing for open skies pacts with Britain, Italy, Chile, Brazil, South Korea and New Zealand.

n. + pact >>共 213
peace 19.13%
trade 19.13%
stability 7.22%
defense 6.03%
cooperation 3.02%
free-trade 2.69%
security 2.48%
suicide 2.26%
non-aggression 1.89%
defence 1.29%
sky 0.48%
sky + n. >>共 132
agreement 16.11%
box 7.16%
diver 6.14%
hook 4.35%
accord 3.58%
watcher 3.07%
island 2.56%
policy 2.56%
pact 2.30%
treaty 1.79%
每页显示:    共 9