1.   Cervical cancer is a sexually transmitted disease caused in virtually all cases by any one of four common papilloma viruses, which are spread primarily by genital skin contact.

2.   Direct skin contact or inhalation.

3.   Dubourdieu was among the first to ferment white wines in new oak barrels and to extend skin contact with the wines while they fermented.

4.   It takes much less than a drop to kill a person, either on skin contact or when it evaporates and is breathed in through the air.

5.   Most natural infection comes from skin contact.

6.   They use more skin contact during fermentation to extract more color and tannin, and they are aging the wine longer, either in large casks or in barrels.

7.   Transmission is most likely to occur through nasal secretions, rather than skin contact.

8.   PCBs can enter the body through skin contact, by the inhalation of vapours or by ingestion of food containing PCB residues.

9.   Anthrax is an infectious disease of animals that can infect humans through skin contact, ingestion and even inhaling the contaminated spores.

10.   Anthrax is an infectious disease of animals that can spread to humans through skin contact, ingestion and even inhaling contaminated spores.

n. + contact >>共 229
radio 33.09%
telephone 10.15%
business 8.87%
phone 3.29%
government 3.20%
body 2.56%
radar 1.83%
skin 1.55%
voice 1.10%
intelligence 1.01%
skin + n. >>共 387
cancer 17.01%
color 7.80%
side 4.80%
cell 4.45%
disease 4.14%
tone 4.10%
rash 3.90%
lesion 3.24%
infection 2.65%
anthrax 2.50%
contact 0.66%
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