1.   A few skilled pickers make much more.

2.   In the past, skilled pickers followed the harvest, which in France, begins in the southernmost vineyards in August and ends in October in the north.

3.   Only skilled pickers work with Rainiers.

4.   Throughout most of their careers, the successful hedge fund managers like Steinhardt made their reputations as highly skilled stock pickers.

a. + picker >>共 69
stock 39.56%
coffee 4.40%
mushroom 4.40%
grape 2.20%
olive 2.20%
skilled 2.20%
strawberry 2.20%
top 2.20%
good 1.65%
migrant 1.65%
skilled + n. >>共 478
worker 21.48%
labor 5.41%
player 2.34%
job 2.06%
people 1.95%
labour 1.67%
staff 1.56%
professional 1.40%
craftsman 1.28%
workforce 1.23%
picker 0.22%
每页显示:    共 4