1.   Also consider the resistence that Alpine skiers had to snowboarders, not that that war zone is totally quiet these days.

2.   And the officials point out that out-of-state skiers obviously have an even greater choice of areas.

3.   Another skier had another knee checked out.

4.   Downhill skiers have four alpine areas to choose from.

5.   From their accommodations, skiers had to drive to stores and entertainment facilities.

6.   In a unanimous decision Monday, the court found that while skiers generally have a duty not to injure others, one skier cannot sue another for simple carelessness.

7.   On the second half, skiers have a choice of a series of steep chutes or open slopes that drop off the main traverse.

8.   Over the years, several lost skiers have had to be rescued, but since off-piste has been allowed, the problem has decreased.

9.   Skiers also have something to be glad about with Amtrak.

10.   Skiers had an hour from the time printed on their ticket to decide whether they wanted to stay.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
government 1.92%
team 1.89%
people 1.78%
country 1.14%
state 0.96%
official 0.95%
man 0.88%
player 0.88%
woman 0.87%
skier 0.03%
skier + v. >>共 267
be 13.87%
have 6.15%
take 2.65%
say 2.29%
go 2.29%
use 2.05%
die 1.93%
win 1.57%
get 1.57%
compete 1.45%
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