1.   Amenities abound, including skate rentals, pick-up hockey games, lessons, benches and several hot-drink options.

2.   Amenities include skate rental, a dock to step off from and all the hot chocolate you can drink.

3.   Amenities include skate rental, lockers, hot chocolate and doughnuts.

4.   Amenities include skate rentals, lessons and hockey galore.

5.   Skate rentals are available.

n. + rental >>共 135
car 28.00%
equipment 3.78%
boat 3.78%
vacation 3.33%
apartment 2.67%
line 2.67%
summer 2.67%
movie 2.22%
office 2.22%
bicycle 1.78%
skate 1.11%
skate + n. >>共 60
park 18.18%
blade 16.67%
program 3.79%
lace 3.79%
rental 3.79%
portion 2.27%
shop 2.27%
problem 2.27%
wing 2.27%
claim 1.52%
每页显示:    共 5