1.   Because one size does not fit all, PC makers offer different types of notebooks.

2.   Best of all, they require little maintenance and one size fits all.

3.   -- One size fits all.

4.   Except a base that size might not fit in the trunk.

5.   He is the master of the public barb, aimed at one player, but one size fits all.

6.   I held one up for size, though with tank tops one size pretty much fits all.

7.   It might seem that the museum brochure is a standard-issue affair, in which one size would fit all.

8.   Old enough to know that one size never fits all, but young enough to hope that maybe it will fit you.

9.   One size fits all.

10.   One size does not fit all.

n. + fit >>共 979
piece 2.69%
punishment 1.95%
description 1.79%
shoe 1.48%
size 1.00%
name 0.90%
people 0.84%
glove 0.74%
clothes 0.69%
door 0.58%
size + v. >>共 218
be 37.67%
pay 6.83%
matter 4.71%
make 4.52%
fit 1.75%
vary 1.66%
have 1.66%
mean 1.48%
allow 1.39%
give 1.11%
每页显示:    共 19