1.   But this Strategy could easily backfire, since strenuous exercise would Simply produce more lactic acid, making the situation worse.

2.   Chastising By chastising a horse, we only make a tense situation worse.

3.   Denying schooling, however, would just make a bad situation worse.

4.   Import controls only make the situation worse and help create a siege economy situation.

5.   Sending troops in would only make the situation worse.

6.   The Decline in prices for agricultural commodities made the economic situation worse.

7.   The trouble is that anything you do, nomatterwhat, will nearly always increase the muscular tension and make the situation worse.

8.   When someone is depressed, the extra load of having financial problems can make the situation worse.

9.   This latest incident is guaranteed to make the situation worse.

10.   He said the proposals, by Surrey-based Bioplan, would make a difficult situation worse.

n. + worse >>共 171
matter 43.93%
thing 17.15%
situation 10.85%
problem 6.98%
condition 1.52%
life 0.68%
look 0.61%
crisis 0.53%
plight 0.38%
loss 0.38%
situation + a. >>共 96
worse 47.35%
dangerous 3.97%
difficult 2.32%
better 2.32%
complicated 1.99%
volatile 1.32%
amusing 0.99%
critical 0.99%
unbearable 0.99%
frustrating 0.99%
每页显示:    共 142