1.   There are fears, these officials said, that the rapid return of the Hutu could make the uncertain situation volatile and lead to new killings.

2.   Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer said there was no intention to harm Arafat, but the fire on his building made the situation volatile.

3.   He said large numbers of armed civilians have broken into weapons depots and have taken possession of weapons, leaving the situation highly volatile.

4.   Israel said it would not harm Arafat, but the heavy shooting made the situation very volatile.

n. + volatile >>共 26
market 23.91%
price 10.87%
situation 8.70%
fund 6.52%
industry 4.35%
are 2.17%
atmosphere 2.17%
bond 2.17%
business 2.17%
chemistry 2.17%
situation + a. >>共 96
worse 47.35%
dangerous 3.97%
difficult 2.32%
better 2.32%
complicated 1.99%
volatile 1.32%
amusing 0.99%
critical 0.99%
unbearable 0.99%
frustrating 0.99%
每页显示:    共 4