1.   Hong Kong investors, he added, were cautious about investing overseas until the situation stabilised.

2.   Speaking to reporters at the Dhammikarama Burmese Buddhist temple on hisWesak Day rounds, Koh added that the situation had stabilised.

3.   The Dutch general heard no reports of problems in Srebrenica that morning and assumed the situation had stabilised.

4.   He added that aid agencies operating in the area had decided not to evacuate their staff for the time being as they felt the situation had stabilised since Sunday.

5.   In his report, Boutros-Ghali made it clear that the force might not have to be deployed if the situation in Burundi stabilised.

6.   But a White House spokesman said the United States would not offer financial aid to Albania until the situation stabilises.

7.   Earlier plans to rush the aid to Bosnia by a Swedish military Hercules plane have been cancelled since the UNHCR announced Monday that the refugee situation had stabilised.

8.   There were speculative attacks against some Southeast Asian currencies afterwards but the situation stabilised following a quick response by monetary authorities in the region.

9.   Somali staff will continue operations until the situation stabilises, they say.

10.   The company would wait until the political situation had stabilised, he said.

n. + stabilise >>共 52
market 14.52%
price 10.48%
situation 8.06%
condition 7.26%
baht 5.65%
economy 4.84%
currency 4.84%
franc 4.03%
ringgit 2.42%
jobber 1.61%
situation + v. >>共 459
be 41.92%
improve 4.61%
remain 3.47%
worsen 3.46%
change 3.43%
become 2.98%
deteriorate 2.78%
get 2.44%
seem 1.39%
arise 1.21%
stabilise 0.13%
每页显示:    共 10