1.   Come November-ish time, the situation seemed rather less pressing, and I voted for no change.

2.   The situation seemed to have reached an impasse.

3.   The whole situation seems very strange to me.

4.   The whole situation seems funny now, but it was no laughing matter at the time.

5.   The situation seemed hopeless, particularly as the head of this department, Vladimir Marin, was portrayed unfavourably in the book.

6.   The general sanitary situation in Gorazde seemed reasonably satisfactory.

7.   The situation seems to be similar in other parts of the country.

8.   However, the reverse situation seems equally, if not more important, and unsupportive, discordant close relationships can contribute to a negative selfesteem.

9.   Somehow that made the situation seem a lot worse.

n. + seem >>共 1552
people 2.07%
investor 1.12%
thing 1.12%
side 0.82%
official 0.77%
player 0.72%
government 0.62%
team 0.61%
company 0.60%
problem 0.59%
situation 0.32%
situation + v. >>共 459
be 41.92%
improve 4.61%
remain 3.47%
worsen 3.46%
change 3.43%
become 2.98%
deteriorate 2.78%
get 2.44%
seem 1.39%
arise 1.21%
每页显示:    共 107