1.   The U.N. withdrew its relief personnel because it judged the situation too dangerous.

2.   Once the film has stopped I want you to think of things which could occur to make the situation dangerous to you as the driver of the car.

3.   He also warned that the lack of negotiations over the last two weeks was making the situation more dangerous.

4.   US officials declined to comment on the number of American hostages out of concern for making the situation more dangerous.

5.   Police said the hundreds of people gathered outside the front and rear gates of the grounds of Althorp House was making the situation dangerous.

6.   Police said the hundreds of people gathered outside the front and rear gates of the grounds of Althorp House were making the situation dangerous.

7.   Before the wind died, firefighters called the situation dangerous.

8.   NASA officials at Russian Mission Control also said they did not consider the situation dangerous.

9.   NASA officials at Russian Mission Control said they did not consider the situation dangerous.

10.   There was concern around the world that Israel would respond with tough military action that could make the situation even more dangerous.

n. + dangerous >>共 139
situation 5.36%
operation 4.46%
road 3.57%
run 2.68%
travel 2.68%
condition 2.23%
area 2.23%
world 1.79%
water 1.79%
work 1.34%
situation + a. >>共 96
worse 47.35%
dangerous 3.97%
difficult 2.32%
better 2.32%
complicated 1.99%
volatile 1.32%
amusing 0.99%
critical 0.99%
unbearable 0.99%
frustrating 0.99%
每页显示:    共 12