1.   Its site houses FRED, or Federal Reserve Economic Data, a data base that offers a mix of information as diverse as consumer credit and the money supply.

2.   Palestinian officials have told Sheikh Jamal that the site would house only a hotel and golf course.

3.   Some day the site could also house a powerful new radar, known as the X-Band, for missile defense.

4.   The Napp site originally housed a dye works.

5.   The site also houses coveted info on the Pokemon League Summer Training Tour, a Pokemon GameBoy competition.

6.   The site has housed a couple of different restaurants since, but none has succeeded.

7.   The site now houses Alpha Therapeutic Plasma Center.

8.   Nearby residents said the site once housed a mortuary that dated back to World War II, the television station added.

9.   The site currently houses two tennis courts and a lawn with some changing facilities.

10.   The site houses a pair of older, operational reactors in addition to the two under construction.

n. + house >>共 314
building 20.92%
museum 2.49%
center 2.12%
camp 1.87%
facility 1.74%
site 1.49%
hotel 1.37%
structure 1.37%
floor 1.37%
complex 1.25%
site + v. >>共 758
be 32.44%
have 6.91%
offer 6.05%
include 3.91%
provide 2.30%
feature 1.54%
contain 1.35%
become 1.34%
allow 1.09%
make 0.89%
house 0.17%
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