1.   But another five DVDs, not personalized, sit waiting to be overnighted once the Stars determine where to mail them.

2.   Like any good musician, he knows the value of pauses, of letting litle spaces of time sit there waiting to be filled.

3.   No child likes to just sit there waiting for dough to rise.

4.   The audience would sit there waiting for someone to come after Woodward and Bernstein with a machine gun.

n. + wait >>共 1218
investor 6.56%
people 4.03%
official 2.23%
company 2.10%
government 1.83%
trader 1.83%
market 1.76%
police 1.52%
team 1.40%
fan 1.27%
sit 0.07%
sit + v. >>共 75
hunch 4.00%
wait 4.00%
abandon 3.00%
be 3.00%
like 3.00%
wrap 3.00%
anchor 2.00%
back 2.00%
may 2.00%
gaze 2.00%
每页显示:    共 4