1.   The room is quiet, as every child sits hunched over a piece of writing.

2.   Manuel sits hunched on a metal stool, cradling a classical guitar.

3.   On this particular afternoon, four bearded young men sit hunched over computers downloading Koranic teachings and philosophical works.

4.   The contestants sit hunched over bare tables, some in sweatshirts, some in neckties.

n. + hunch >>共 26
shoulder 24.39%
sit 9.76%
man 7.32%
woman 4.88%
boy 2.44%
buzzard 2.44%
comic 2.44%
driver 2.44%
fan 2.44%
friend 2.44%
sit + v. >>共 75
hunch 4.00%
wait 4.00%
abandon 3.00%
be 3.00%
like 3.00%
wrap 3.00%
anchor 2.00%
back 2.00%
may 2.00%
gaze 2.00%
每页显示:    共 4