1.   In the distance a siren wailed.

2.   Radar sirens wailed, ambulances rushed from one place of agony to another, and fire fighters faced the flames hour after hour.

3.   A siren wailed and faded into the sounds of general traffic below prompting them to action.

4.   An air raid siren wails in the distance.

5.   Banks constantly send crateloads of currency around Moscow in armored trucks that speed through the streets like ambulances, lights flashing and sirens wailing.

6.   A siren wailed in the distance.

7.   Air raid sirens wailed several times in Belgrade, and state-run media gave some details of Saturday night attacks.

8.   But before the Najis finished their dinner, the air-raid sirens wailed.

9.   Fire trucks, ambulances and police cars swarmed Copley Square, sirens wailing.

10.   Minutes later, ambulance sirens wailed.

n. + wail >>共 54
siren 44.64%
woman 14.29%
baby 3.57%
child 2.68%
people 2.68%
bagpipe 2.23%
alarm 1.79%
son 1.79%
relative 1.79%
saxophone 1.34%
siren + v. >>共 66
sound 33.01%
wail 19.53%
blare 9.77%
go 6.45%
be 3.32%
scream 2.54%
begin 1.95%
start 1.95%
howl 1.37%
warn 1.37%
每页显示:    共 99