1.   But some experts believe that just a few spores, maybe even a single spore, can infect a susceptible person in rare circumstances.

2.   But the lack of definitive scientific data has left others fearful that a single spore might indeed be deadly.

3.   However, a single spore that lands on an open wound is also reason for concern.

4.   In each case, tests showed a single spore.

5.   In his view a single spore has a chance, however small, of infecting someone.

6.   Indeed, at least one germ warfare expert has suggested that a single spore might do it.

7.   Several infectious disease experts say, however, that no building can be sterilized or treated in a way that removes every single spore.

8.   The contamination, though limited to perhaps a single spore, also reinforced the theory that anthrax spores could leave one letter and catch a ride on another.

9.   They also say it is impossible to sterilize every single spore in a large space.

10.   They never found a single spore or any other clue to how Nguyen became infected.

a. + spore >>共 75
bacterial 11.90%
deadly 8.33%
airborne 7.74%
single 6.55%
live 4.76%
microscopic 3.57%
contaminated 2.98%
tiny 2.98%
harmless 1.79%
dry 1.79%
single + n. >>共 1203
currency 9.33%
mother 2.83%
day 1.46%
digit 1.43%
parent 1.29%
woman 1.11%
layer 1.01%
market 0.96%
shot 0.90%
run 0.90%
spore 0.05%
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