1.   He bows silently and hands her a single white lily.

2.   Each family member placed a single white lily on the coffin, followed by Hillary Rodham Clinton, daughter Chelsea and the president.

3.   In a particularly touching tribute, a woman in the crowd handed a single white lily to each of the three.

4.   A single white lily bloomed on a table draped in purple.

a. + lily >>共 50
white 28.43%
voodoo 7.84%
oriental 6.86%
ginger 4.90%
single 3.92%
yellow 2.94%
tropical 2.94%
bright 0.98%
chinese 0.98%
classic 0.98%
single + n. >>共 1203
currency 9.33%
mother 2.83%
day 1.46%
digit 1.43%
parent 1.29%
woman 1.11%
layer 1.01%
market 0.96%
shot 0.90%
run 0.90%
lily 0.02%
每页显示:    共 4