1.   Cause and effect is a fairly simple concept.

2.   In sum, hypertext is a very simple concept based on the association of nodes through links.

3.   These deal in simple concepts and require no artistic skills to operate and relatively little training or backup.

4.   This simple physical concept of addictive disease and recovery has an obvious superficial attraction but May be far from the full picture.

5.   But, in addition to that basically simple concept, the bank and its customer owe a large number of obligations to one another.

6.   This apparently simple concept of cause and effect will be at the root of much of our early work on narrative in drama.

7.   This is simple concept, but it may initially be difficult to grasp its many ramifications.

8.   Pupils are required to construct simple concept maps.

9.   A democracy depends on the simple concept of the free wagging of tongues, in college as elsewhere.

10.   A simple concept, really, advanced by simpletons and always toward the same dead end.

a. + concept >>共 841
new 10.47%
basic 3.52%
whole 3.10%
abstract 1.83%
very 1.76%
original 1.53%
simple 1.49%
same 1.45%
foreign 1.38%
novel 1.30%
simple + n. >>共 1104
majority 3.85%
matter 1.91%
fact 1.71%
task 1.53%
answer 1.50%
thing 1.49%
question 1.38%
way 1.31%
reason 1.26%
explanation 1.21%
concept 0.37%
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