1.   At about that time, the European Commission settled a similar probe of Microsoft on substantially the same terms.

2.   A Senate committee, headed by Sen. Fred Thompson, R-Tenn., is conducting a similar probe.

3.   Conventional leads for children are attached with a sharp probe similar to a fishhook, while others are threaded into the heart through a vein.

4.   GAO spokesman Jeff Nelligan would not elaborate on the statement or say whether the GAO had ever conducted a similar probe of Logan.

5.   In December, Reno ended a similar probe, saying there was not sufficient evidence to require naming an independent counsel to conduct a full investigation.

6.   It has also asked the House Ethics Committee to conduct a similar probe.

7.   Police conducted a similar probe of Capital Nomura Securities Pcl, according to a report by Thai Sky Radio.

8.   Reno must also decide by mid-October whether to launch a similar probe of Clinton.

9.   Republicans made it clear they would be reluctant to support such an investigation of Mortham without a similar probe of Chiles.

10.   Reno must also decide by mid-October whether to launch a similar probe of President Bill Clinton.

a. + probe >>共 390
federal 6.07%
criminal 5.95%
internal 3.62%
congressional 3.31%
parliamentary 3.01%
separate 2.88%
independent 2.64%
ongoing 2.39%
judicial 2.02%
new 1.96%
similar 1.90%
similar + n. >>共 1099
problem 1.58%
measure 1.31%
bill 1.28%
case 1.23%
charge 1.20%
incident 1.07%
program 1.06%
legislation 1.05%
situation 1.04%
agreement 0.85%
probe 0.08%
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