1.   Gloucestershire joins neighbouring Hereford and Worcester, and Wiltshire councils which have also voted in similar bans.

2.   Attempts to enact similar bans or restrictions elsewhere have mostly failed.

3.   But the court veered off course when it barred Massachusetts, New York City and other jurisdictions with similar bans on the books from enacting more finely tuned versions.

4.   Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota and South Carolina have already adopted similar bans.

5.   However, other schools around the country have tried similar bans as a way to fight gang activity.

6.   Humber said that a few communities in California had enacted similar complete smoking bans but that he was not aware of such bans in other states.

7.   Many other cities around the country, including Chicago, are considering similar bans.

8.   More than a dozen other cities, including Beverly Hills and Santa Monica, have similar bans in place.

9.   Most schools have similar bans, but they are not always vigilant in enforcing them.

a. + bans >>共 142
similar 12.78%
smoking 9.17%
outright 3.89%
temporary 2.22%
advertising 1.94%
watering 1.94%
state 1.94%
outdoor 1.94%
selective 1.67%
burning 1.67%
similar + n. >>共 1099
problem 1.58%
measure 1.31%
bill 1.28%
case 1.23%
charge 1.20%
incident 1.07%
program 1.06%
legislation 1.05%
situation 1.04%
agreement 0.85%
bans 0.11%
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