1.   In an Inland Revenue consultation paper, Mr Brown also signalled a willingness to disregard student loans when calculating tax credit levels.

2.   Although Clinton has threatened to veto both bills or any blended version of them, he has signaled his willingness to negotiate a compromise.

3.   And although Putin has insisted the ABM is needed as a deterrence to nuclear proliferation, he has signaled a willingness to modify it.

4.   Any overhaul of the campaign finance system faces an uphill battle in Congress, where a number of powerful lawmakers have signaled their willingness to block any such legislation.

5.   Arafat is refusing unless Israel is willing to signal its willingness to weaken its stand on the unity of Jerusalem at the outset.

6.   Barak also has signaled his willingness to negotiate with Syria and Lebanon as well as the Palestinians.

7.   Bush has just signaled his willingness to aid the jobless with longer benefits and assistance with health insurance, while denying major corporations much of the succor they seek.

8.   Bush and Blair have both signaled a willingness to review ways to reduce the impact the sanctions are having on the Iraqi people.

9.   Bush worked to retake the momentum by signaling willingness to end a stalemate over campaign debates.

10.   But he has also signaled his willingness to negotiate a compromise, although no serious talks are likely for several months.

v. + willingness >>共 127
show 21.92%
express 21.85%
indicate 13.81%
signal 9.23%
demonstrate 5.11%
declare 1.95%
announce 1.80%
reiterate 1.58%
display 0.90%
suggest 0.83%
signal + n. >>共 677
end 8.17%
willingness 4.57%
start 4.53%
change 3.82%
intention 3.04%
beginning 3.04%
support 2.34%
return 1.45%
interest 1.37%
readiness 1.34%
每页显示:    共 122