1.   Arizona State University requires student workers and employees to sign loyalty oaths, but they are worded differently and omit mention of political beliefs or party membership.

2.   Back then, he had people sign an oath of allegiance to racial segregation before they could vote in the Dixiecrat primary.

3.   Before the state would step aside, Colleen would have to sign an oath that she did not believe in integration and would not advocate it anywhere.

4.   Dozens of German men who were against slavery and refused to sign loyalty oaths to the Confederacy were killed as they tried to escape to Mexico.

5.   Government employees, including teachers, have to sign loyalty oaths today.

6.   Many signed loyalty oaths and found sponsors inland, as required by the government.

7.   Rodriguez refused to sign the oath, used by every college in the Maricopa County Community College District, when he took office in early August.

8.   Under village law, the village clerk is responsible for making sure elected officials sign the oath of office.

9.   All candidates have pledged fair competition and signed an oath saying they will do no harm to the elected president.

10.   He signed the oath when he qualified for the team in April.

v. + oath >>共 58
take 63.86%
administer 10.36%
violate 4.02%
swear 3.89%
sign 3.50%
recite 1.94%
break 1.30%
read 0.78%
deliver 0.65%
give 0.65%
sign + n. >>共 387
agreement 23.07%
contract 9.29%
treaty 5.66%
accord 5.10%
bill 4.70%
deal 3.39%
autograph 3.28%
document 2.68%
letter 1.99%
memorandum 1.70%
oath 0.14%
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